
Best Books for Hemingway Lovers

Best books for Hemingway Lovers
Ernest Hemingway in his Papa years. Credit: Pixaby

Books by Ernest Hemingway

A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway

For the Hemingway fans, walk through the 1920s Paris as he coming into his own as a writer. Live the life of a struggling writer in a cold Paris apartment with his first wife, Hadley. Then visit the bars and cafes where he worked and socialized with a who’s who of the Paris literary elite.

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Green Hills of Africa: The Hemingway Library Edition by Ernest Hemingway

Take an African safari in the 1930s with Hemingway. Packed with safari details, walk through his camps to understand the thrill of  big game hunting. Not for the gentle reader, this story includes some gruesome details.

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The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories by Ernest Hemingway

Set in the shadow of Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro,  the main character slowly dies of gangrene. And he and his wife bicker the whole time. It’s not a light and fluffy summer read though a must for Hemingway fans.

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The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway

Set in the south of France, a newly married couple struggle with identity as one writes and the other experiments with self-expression. Explore Côte d’Azur through their eyes in this book published after his death.

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A Farewell to Arms: The Hemingway Library Edition by Ernest Hemingway

Travel through the World War I Italian countryside as a young man heals and falls in love.  Drawn upon his time as during the war, Hemingway illustrates the details of war in-between battles.

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The Sun Also Rises: The Hemingway Library Edition by Ernest Hemingway

Head to Spain in the 1920s as a group of friends witnesses the running of the bulls. The characters are memorable along with the setting.

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For Whom the Bell Tolls: The Hemingway Library Edition  by Ernest Hemingway 

Follow along as Robert Jordan works to blow up a bridge in the Spanish Civil War. Get intimate portraits of the group working with Jordan including a love interest.

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In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway

A collection of Hemingway’s first short stories, find classics like Indian Camp and The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife. It was originally published in 1925 during his Paris period.

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Ernest Hemingway on Writing by Larry W. Phillips and Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway didn’t speak of his writing technique until much later in his career. Editor Larry W. Phillips compiles his thoughts through personal letters to friends and some of his works, like The Moveable Feast and Green Hills of Africa. FInd  must read for the writer, published, unpublished and struggling.

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Books about Living with Hemingway

Love him or hate him. I think his wives did both. Here’s their story.

Travels with Myself and Another: A Memoir by Martha Gellhorn

Get an autobiographic account of  Gellhorn’s travels during the Ernest years. Before and after being his travel companion and third wife, Martha Gellhorn was a notable wartime  journalist. And the only wife not to turn into Hemingway’s caretaker.

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Love and Ruin: A Novel by Paula McLain

Paula McLain’s second book detailing the life of a Hemingway wife. This time she details the life of Ernest Hemingway and his third wife, Martha Gellhorn, from the start of their relationship at the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. Then as they move to Cuba as their careers ebb and flow.

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The Paris Wife by Paula McLain

Meet Hemingway’s first wife Hadley, as they live in Paris. Get the details on their life together skiing in the Alps and spending time with the Paris Literary Elite. McLain paints a picture of 1920s Paris with precision of an artist.

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Books about Hemingway’s Life

Hemingway’s Boat: Everything He Loved in Life and Lost by Paul Hendrickson

Using the beloved Pilar as a vehicle to describe Hemingway’s life, Hendrickson details the ups and downs of his career. The consummate sportsman fished and hunted his entire life and seemed the happiest in the outdoors.

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From the Other Hemingways 

Members of the Hemingway family are also writers and authors.

Ernest’s Way: An International Journey Through Hemingway’s Life by Cristen Heminway Jaynes

Discover the places Hemingway haunted. It’s written by the great-grand daughter so it’s an interesting perspective. Often glossing over controversy, it’s a pleasant read especially for lovers of travelogues.

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Ernest Hemingway fans rejoice. Here's a list of books by Hemingway and books about Hemingway. Learn more about the enigmatic man, his sporting life, and his wives. #HemingwayBooks #ErnestHemingway Best Books about Hemingway | Books for Hemingway Lovers | What to read

Catherine Parker has a passion for travel and seen all 50 U.S. States. As a former flight attendant with one of the largest airlines, there isn't a North American airport that she hasn't landed in at least once. Since clipping her professional wings after 9/11, she combines her love of the open road with visiting architectural and cultural icons. She is based out of Central Texas dividing her time between writing and restoring a pair of 100-year-old houses. She shares her life with her three kids and her husband.

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